Quick Release Yoke
The yoke can be quickly removed without the use of any tools. Simply flip the levers on each
side of the yoke to the UP position, and slide the yoke up and off the unit.
Lift levers to UP position
Slide yoke up and off unit
Lock yoke in place by pressing levers to DOWN position
Adjusting Quick Release Yoke
To adjust the grip of the locking levers, use a 4mm hex tool (sup-
plied) to adjust the screw when the lockers are in the DOWN posi-
tion. They should be adjusted so the lever requires firm pressure to
lock and unlock.
Yoke Safety Screws
If using the Creamsource in a fixed installation for extended periods of time, please
tighten the SAFETY SCREWS for additional protection. There are two of these
screws on each side of the yoke.