background image


Company OURSSON AG expresses great apprecia


tion to you for choosing our products. We have done 

everything possible so that this meets your needs, 

and the quality corresponds to the best world stan


dards. If your OURSSON branded product will need 

maintenance, please contact one of the authorized 

service center (hereinafter - ASC). A complete list of 

ASC and their exact addresses can be found on the 


Warranty obligations OURSSON AG:


Warranty obligations OURSSON AG, provided 

ASC OURSSON AG, apply only to models desig


ned OURSSON AG for the production or supply 

and sale within the country where the warranty 

service is provided, purchased in this country, 

certified for compliance with the standards of this 

country, and also marked the with official marks of 



Warranty obligations OURSSON AG operate within 

the law on protection of consumer rights and are 

regulated by the laws of the country in which they 

are provided, and only when the product is used 

exclusively for personal, family or household pur


poses. Warranty obligations OURSSON AG shall 

not apply to uses of goods for business purposes 

or in connection with the acquisition of goods to 

meet the needs of enterprises, institutions and 


3. OURSSON AG sets for its products the following 

terms of use and warranty periods:



Warranty obligations OURSSON AG shall not apply 

to the following products, if their replacement is 

assumed and is not connected with disassembling 


•  Batteries.


Cases, straps, cords for carrying, mounting ac


cessories, tools, documentation that came with 

the product.

5. Warranty does not cover defects caused due to 

violations of the rules of consumer use, storage or 

transportation of the goods, actions of third parties 

or force majeure, including but not limited to the 

following cases:


If the defect was a result of careless handling, 

used for other purposes, violations of conditions 

and rules of operation set forth in the instruction 

manual, including as a result of exposure to high 

or low temperatures, high humidity or dust, traces 

of opening the device independently and/ or self-

repair, mismatch state standards for power grids, 

getting liquids, insects or other foreign objects, 

substances inside the device, as well as long-

term use of the product in extreme operational 


•  If the defect of the product was a result of unau-

thorized attempts to test the product or make any 

changes in its construction or software programs, 

including repair or maintenance in unauthorized 

service centers.

•  If the defect of the product was a result of use of 

non-standard and/or low quality equipment, ac


cessories, spare parts, batteries.

•  If the defect of the product is associated with 

its use in conjunction with additional equipment 

(accessories), other than additional equipment 

recommended by OURSSON AG for use with this 

product. OURSSON AG is not responsible for the 

quality of the additional equipment (accessories) 

manufactured by third parties, for the quality of 

its products together with such equipment, as 

well as the quality of the work of the additional 

equipment of OURSSON AG together with the 

products of other manufacturers.


Product defects detected during the lifetime of the 

product are eliminated by the authorized ser


vice centers (ASC). During the warranty period, 

elimination of defects is free of charge with the 

presentation of the original certificate of guarantee 

and documents that confirm the fact and date of the 

contract of retail purchase. In the absence of such 

documents, warranty period is calculated from the 

date of manufacture of goods. It should be taken 

into account:


Setup and Installation (assembly, the connection, 

etc.) of the product described in the documenta


tion attached to it, does not enter the scope of 

warranty OURSSON AG and can be performed 

by the user as well as the specialists of most 

authorized service centers on a paid basis.

•  Work upon maintenance of products (cleaning 

and lubricating the moving parts, replacement of 

consumables and supplies, etc.) are made on a 

paid basis.

7. OURSSON AG is not responsible for any dam


age directly or indirectlycaused by their products 

to people, pets, property, if it occurred as a result 

ofnon-observance of the rules and conditions of use, 

storage, transportation or installation of the product, 

intentional or negligent actions of consumer or third 


8. Under no circumstances, OURSSON AG is not 

responsible for any special, incidental, indirect or 

consequential loss or damage, including but not 

limited to: lost profits, damages caused by interrup


tions in the commercial, industrial or other activities, 

arising from the use of or inability to use the product.


Due to continuous product improvement, design 

elements and some technical specifications are 

subject to change without prior notice from the 


Product name                      

Terms of 

use, months                




Microwave ovens

breadmakers, induction hobs



Multicookers, kitchen 

processors, electric kettles,

electric grills, hand blenders,

hand mixers, meat grinders, 

blenders, toasters, airpots,

toasters, juicers, steamers, 

coffee makers, choppers, 

freezers, refrigerators, 

automatic coffee machines



Kitchen scales                            



Summary of Contents for JM7002

Page 1: ...dienungsanleitung Instruction manual Manual de instrucciones Manuel d instructions Manuale di istruzioni Lieto anas pam c ba Instrukcja manua Instruc iuni de utilizare JM7002 LV PL RO RU UA DE EN ES F...

Page 2: ...2...

Page 3: ...3 220...

Page 4: ...4...

Page 5: ...5...

Page 6: ...6 D E...

Page 7: ...7 E...

Page 8: ...nd Wartung nur an den au torisierten Kundendienst der Reparaturen von OURSSON Markenprodukten ausf hrt Wenn Sie das Ger t von einem k hlen zu einem warmen Ort oder umgekehrt bringen packen Sie es aus...

Page 9: ...t ein AUS OFF schaltet das Ger t aus der Motor stoppt R CKW RTS REV R ckw rtsgang Abbildung D Schritt 6 Abbildung C 8 Wenn Sie mit dem Schieber arbeiten setzen Sie den Schieber so in den F llschacht...

Page 10: ...S fte eignen sich ganz hervorragend f r Cocktails Fruchtgetr nke Sirups Desserts und dergleichen Starke Fasern Sellerie Kohl Ananas Schneiden Sie Zutaten mit kr ftigen Fasern wie Sellerie Kohl Ananas...

Page 11: ...iten es besteht Stromschlaggefahr 9 Trocknen Sie alle Komponenten des Ger tes nach dem Reinigen gr ndlich verstauen Sie die Teile dann an einem trockenen sauberen Ort S mtliche Komponenten des Ger tes...

Page 12: ...e Zutaten berlasten Sie den Motor nicht Vergessen Sie nicht Zutaten mit gro en Kernen zuvor zu entkernen Schalten Sie das Ger t ab schalten Sie dann 2 3 Sekunden lang den R ckw rtsgang REV ein Schalte...

Page 13: ...forderungen das Eindringen von Fl ssigkeiten Insekten oder anderen Fremdk rpern durch Substanzen im Ger t oder langfristige Benutzung des Produktes in extremen Betriebsarten verursacht wurde Wenn der...

Page 14: ...und Entsorgung gew hrleis tet Durch die angemessene Entsorgung OURSSON AG Hergestellt in China Falls Sie Probleme oder Fragen bez glich OURSSON AG Produkten haben senden Sie uns bitte eine E Mail supp...

Page 15: ...Do not touch any hot parts as this may cause injury The power cord is specially made relatively short in order to avoid the risk of injury Do not allow the cord to hang over the sharp edge of the tab...

Page 16: ...that the marks on the lid and on the cup were combined Than turn the lid clockwise to lock it 1 Juice cup s lid 2 Juice cup 3 Latch ORDER OF OPERATION 1 Assemble the device as described in the previo...

Page 17: ...ncy of the drinks Prepare fruit puree based cocktails fruit drinks syrups desserts etc Fibrous ingre dients Celery cabbage pineapple Fibrous ingredients such as celery cabbage pineapple etc cut into s...

Page 18: ...ot connected plug it to the outlet Check whether the device is assembled correctly If not disassemble and reassemble ac cording to the instructions If the problem persists contact an authorized servic...

Page 19: ...rotate the lid counterclockwise During the operation of the device the pressure screw stops abruptly First turn the device off by placing the key switch to the neutral position Then turn the key to do...

Page 20: ...intenance in unauthorized service centers If the defect of the product was a result of use of non standard and or low quality equipment ac cessories spare parts batteries If the defect of the product...

Page 21: ...serves the correct operation storage and transportation of products Under thecondition of careful handling of the product and compliance with the rules of operation the actual life may ex ceed the lif...

Page 22: ...r accesorios No use el aparato en exteriores Este aparato no est dise ado para su uso por personas discapacitadas f sica sensorial o mentalmente incluidos ni os o carentes de la experiencia y los cono...

Page 23: ...e hacia abajo y gir ndolo hasta que encaje en su sitio 1 Tornillo de presi n 2 Marcas Paso 5 Fig C 6 Instale la tapa del vaso de forma que las marcas pre sentes en la tapa y en el vaso coincidan A con...

Page 24: ...das Se recomienda diluir en agua el pur fino obtenido de frambuesas grosellas ar ndanos etc para obtener bebidas de la consistencia deseada Prepare c cteles basados en pur de frutas bebidas de frutas...

Page 25: ...i el aparato est montado correctamente Si no lo est desm ntelo y vu lvalo a montar siguiendo las instrucciones Si el problema persiste p ngase en contacto con un centro de servicio t cnico autorizado...

Page 26: ...y trate de girar la tapa hacia la izquierda aplicando m s fuerza Durante el funcionamiento del aparato el tornillo de pre si n se detiene repentinamente En primer lugar apague el aparato llevando el m...

Page 27: ...el producto fue el resultado de inten tos no autorizados de probar el producto o realizar cualquier cambio en su dise o o en los programas de software incluyendo la reparaci n o manteni miento en los...

Page 28: ...natu rales y evitar que el producto da e el medio ambiente y la salud humana Para obtener m s OURSSON AG Fabricado en China Si tiene preguntas o problemas con los productos OURSSON AG contacte con nos...

Page 29: ...ur rait provoquer des blessures Le cordon d alimentation est sp cialement con u une taille relativement courte afin d viter tout risque de blessure Ne laissez pas le cordon pendre sur le bord cou pant...

Page 30: ...ositions ON MARCHE qui permet de mettre l appareil en marche OFF ARR T qui permet d arr ter l appareil et d arr ter le moteur REV INVERSE fonctionne ment rebours Image D tape 6 Image C 8 Lorsque vous...

Page 31: ...s avec de l eau afin d obtenir des boissons bonne consistance Pr paration de cocktails base de pur es de fruits de boissons fruit es de sirops de desserts etc Ingr dients fibres C leri choux ananas Le...

Page 32: ...ation est connect la prise Si l appareil n est pas aliment branchez le la prise V rifiez si l appareil est assembl correctement Sinon d sassemblez et r assemblez le suivant les instructions Si le prob...

Page 33: ...lus de puissance pour le faire tourner dans le sens antihoraire Arr t brus que de la vis de pression pendant le fonctionnement de l appareil Arr tez d abord l appareil en pla ant le commutateur princi...

Page 34: ...nne r sulte de tentatives non autoris es d essais sur l appareil ou d une modification de quelque fa on de sa conception ou son pro gramme logiciel y compris l ex cution de t ches de r paration et de...

Page 35: ...ectement au rebut cet appareil vous contribuez la pr servation des ressources naturelles et vous OURSSON AG Fabriqu en Chine Si vous avez des questions poser ou si vous rencontrez des probl mes avec l...

Page 36: ...he il cavo penda su bordi affilati del tavolo o che venga a contatto con superfici calde Non collegare questo dispositivo ad una rete gi sovraccarica con altri apparecchi ci pu causare un malfunzionam...

Page 37: ...h non si innesta in posizione 1 Vite di pressione 2 Segni Fase 5 Fig C 6 Installare il coperchio del bicchiere in modo che i segni sul bicchiere e sul coperchio siano combinati Quindi ruotare il coper...

Page 38: ...acqua per ottenere la consistenza desiderata delle bevande Preparare i cocktail bevande alla frutta sciroppi dessert ecc basati su purea di frutta Ingredienti fibrosi Sedano cavoli ananas Ingredienti...

Page 39: accende Verificare che il cavo di alimentazione sia collegato alla presa Se l apparecchio non collega to collegarlo alla presa Verificare se l apparecchio montato correttamente In caso contrario sm...

Page 40: ruotare il coperchio in senso antiorario Durante il funzionamento dell apparec chio la vite di pressione si ferma improvvi samente Per prima cosa spegnere l apparecchio posizionando l interruttore...

Page 41: ...o o apportare modifiche alla struttura o ai programmi software comprese le riparazioni o la manutenzione in centri di assistenza non autorizzati Se il difetto del prodotto stato il risultato dell uso...

Page 42: prodotto possa danneggiare l ambiente e la OURSSON AG Prodotto in Cina Per domande o problemi con i prodotti OURSSON AG contattateci tramite e mail support oursson com Questo manuale tutelato dall...

Page 43: ...str vas kabelim nok rties p r as m galda mal m vai pieskarties karst m virsm m Nepievienojiet ier ci elektr bas t klam kas ir p rslogots ar cit m ier c m tas var izrais t ier ces disfunkciju Neuzst di...

Page 44: ...u vienm r atst jiet atv rtu B 6 att Ier ces rokturim ir iesl g anas poga Pogai ir tr s poz cijas ON iesl g ana OFF izsl g ana apst dina moto ru REV iesl dz atpaka gaitu D att 6 darb ba C 8 att Kad izm...

Page 45: ...t ar deni lai ieg tu nepiecie amo dz rienu konsis tenci No bieze a pagatavojiet piem ram koktei us aug u dz rienus s rupus un desertus iedraini produkti Selerija k posts ananass iedraini produkti piem...

Page 46: bojas P rbaudiet vai str vas vads ir piesl gts kontaktligzdai Ja ier ce nav pievienota piesl dziet to kontaktligzdai P rbaudiet vai ier ce ir pareizi samont ta Ja nav izjauciet to un samont jiet p...

Page 47: ...ku lai v ci u pagrieztu pulkste r d t ju kust bas virzien Ier ces dar b bas laik piespie anas skr ve p k i apst jas Vispirms izsl dziet ier ci tausti a sl dzi p rsl dzot neitr laj poz cij P c tam taus...

Page 48: ...rogrammat r to skait remontu vai apkopju kas veiktas neautoriz t servisa centr d Ja produkta defekts radies nestandarta vai ze mas kvalit tes apr kojuma piederumu rezerves da u vai bateriju d Ja produ...

Page 49: videi un cilv ka vesel bai OURSSON AG Ra ots n S rijas numurs ir izvietots produkta aizmugur uz iepakojuma un garantijas kart Pirmie divi burti atbilst produktu grupai juice maker JM Pirmie divi ci...

Page 50: aby przew d zwisa nad ostr kraw dzi sto u lub dotyka gor cych po wierzchni Nie nale y przy cza tego urz dzenia do sieci kt ra jest przeci ona innymi urz dzeniami mo e to prowadzi do jego nieprawid...

Page 51: ...nie si na miejscu 1 ruba dociskowa 2 oznaczenia Krok 5 rys C 6 Za o y pokrywk naczynia tak aby oznaczenia na pokrywie i na naczyniu zr wna y si Nast pnie obr ci pokryw w prawo aby j zablokowa 1 pokryw...

Page 52: ...ciery z owoc w napoje syropy desery itp Sk adniki w k niste Seler kapusta ananas Sk adniki o strukturze w knistej takie jak seler kapusta ananas itp nale y ci w paski W razie potrzeby nale y oddziela...

Page 53: ...ntaktowa si z autoryzowanym punktem serwisowym wyrob w marki OURSSON AG Za ma o soku R ne sk adniki zawieraj r n ilo wilgoci Je li produkty nie s wie e oznacza to e straci y sw soczysto W celu przywr...

Page 54: y podczas obracania pokrywki w lewo Podczas pracy urz dzenia ruba docisko wa nagle si zatrzymuje Najpierw nale y wy czy urz dzenie poprzez ustawienie prze cznika w pozycji neutralnej Nast pnie wyb...

Page 55: ...jnych ustawie niach pracy Je li awaria produktu jest skutkiem nie uprawnionych pr b testowania produktu albo wprowadzenia zmian w konstrukcji lub opro gramowaniu w tym naprawy lub czynno ci konserwacy...

Page 56: ...w Chinach W przypadku pyta lub problem w zwi zanych z produktami firmy OURSSON AG prosimy o wys anie wiadomo ci e mail na adres support oursson com Niniejsza instrukcja obs ugi jest chroniona prawem a...

Page 57: ...n i deoarece acest lucru poate provoca leziuni Cablul de alimentare este fabricat relativ scurt pentru a evita riscul de electrocutare Nu l sa i cablul de alimentare s at rne peste marginea ascu it a...

Page 58: ...Apoi ntoarce i capacul n sensul acelor de ceasornic 1 Capacul vasului pentru suc 2 Vasul pentru suc 3 ncuietoare C nd asambla i este recomandat s ine i capacul ORDINEA DE OPERARE 1 Asambla i aparatul...

Page 59: a b uturilor Preg ti i cocktail uri n form de piure de fructe b uturi pe baz de fructe siro puri deserturi etc Cu fibre elin varz ananas Ingredientele fibroase cum ar fi elina varza ananasul etc se...

Page 60: ...este conec tat conecta i l la priz Verifica i dac dispozitivul este asamblat corect Dac nu demonta i i reasambla i n conformitate cu instruc iunile Dac problema persist contacta i un centru de service...

Page 61: ...or pentru a roti capacul invers acelor de ceasor nic n timpul func ion rii melcul de stoarcere se opre te brusc n primul r nd opri i aparatul prin plasarea comutatorului n pozi ia neutr Apoi roti i co...

Page 62: ...t fi efectuate fie de c tre uti lizator sau de c tre personalul din service uri autorizate fiind un serviciu cu plat Lucr rile de ntre inere cur area i lubrifi erea componentelor schimbul de consuma b...

Page 63: ii i tombole organizate de companie precum i n leg tur cu activitatea companiei pe teritoriul Rom niei Dori i s pune i ntreb ri Suna i ne v putem ajuta Telefon cu apel gratuit 0800 080 200 sau cu t...


Page 65: ...65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C 2 1 2 3 4 2 C 3 1 3 C 4 1 2 3 4 C 5 1 2 5 C 6 1 2 3 7 6 ON OFF REV D 6 C 8 1 2 3 7 1 2 3 4 5 30 30 5...

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Page 67: ...67 1 2 3 1 1 2 REV OFF ON 2 3 4 2 5 3 30 6 4 1 7 5 8 9 1 500...

Page 68: ...68 OURSSON 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 REV REV 2 5 REV 2 3...

Page 69: ...AG OURSSON www oursson ru OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 109202 17 1 info oursson ru OURSSON AG 1 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 2 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 3 OURSSON AG JM7002 max 240 220 240 50 60 I 25 C 35 C...

Page 70: ...70 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 6 OURSSON AG 7 OURSSON AG 8 OURSSON AG 9 1 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 2 3 OURSSON AG 2002 96 EG waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE...

Page 71: ...URSSON AG OURSSON AG 8 800 100 8 708 10 00 20 00 7 146 7 12 150 4 1 OURSSON AG 56 8008 2 109202 17 1 3 www oursson com 4 OURSSON AG 5 OURSSON AG 220094 2 30 603 Oursson Oursson forum oursson ru JM1225...

Page 72: ...72 OURSSON AG OURSSON 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OURSSON AG...

Page 73: ...73 1 1 C 2 1 2 3 4 2 C 3 1 3 C 4 1 2 3 4 C 5 1 2 5 C 6 1 2 3 7 6 ON OFF REV D 6 C 8 1 2 3 7 1 2 3 4 5 30 30 5...

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Page 76: certificates tab0 IEC 60335 2 14 2012 CISPR 14 2 2007 IEC 61000 3 2 2004 EN 61000 3 3 2004 CISPR 14 1 2004 25 JM7002 max 240 220 240 50 60 I 25 C 35 C 5 C 35 C 15 75 480 240 210 7 3 OURSSON...

Page 77: ...AG OURSSON AG 109202 17 1 info oursson ru 03065 51 16 info oursson ua 228 82 01 OURSSON AG 1 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 2 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 3 OURSSON AG 4 OURSSON AG 5 OURSSON OURSSON AG OUR...

Page 78: ...00 50 5512 9 00 20 00 146 7 12 150 4 1 OURSSON AG 56 8008 2 03065 51 16 3 03065 51 16 juice maker JM 8 OURSSON AG 9 1 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 2 3 OURSSON AG 2002 96 EG waste electrical and electronic eq...

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