1.8 Restore settings and updates
Restore application settings
Restore application settings >
Restore backup >
Do backup >
Restore Application settings function returns to the device
the settings it had when the application was downloaded to
the device.
Do backup
Internal memory >
Memory card >
Do backup
Create a backup, when Ouflex M BA has been configured and
the device-specific settings have been set.
All the parameters which are saved in the non-volatile memory
will be included in the backup. Such parameters are e.g. all the
setting values and time programs. The backup can be saved
to the internal memory or to micro SD memory card. Memory
card backups can be copied from one device to another.
Memory card is not included in the delivery.
Technical requirements to microSD memory card:
Standard micro SDHC, UHS
Capacity 512 MB...32 GB
File system FAT 32
Class: 4...10+
Restore backup
Internal memory >
Memory card >
Restore backup
If you created a backup, you can restore the backup by press
ing OK. You can restore the backup from the memory card (de
vice external memory) or from the internal memory.
Software updates
It is recommended to create a backup of the system before
software update.
The software update is done with following steps:
Insert microSD memory card which includes new software
to controller
2. Ouflex M BA asks: ”Would you like to restart device?”
3. Select: ”Yes”
4. Ouflex M BA reboot to start the update of the new soft
ware. The updating of the software takes few minutes.
Save csv-files to memory card >
Reset measure history >
You can save the csv-files to the memory card. You can also re
set the measurement history from the device internal memory.
memory card
22 32 42
62 72 82 29 03 13 23 33 43 53 63
83 93 04
24 34 44
64 74 84 49 05 15 25 53 45 55 65
85 95 06