immunity tests
IEC 60601 test level
Compliance level
environment direct
Conducted HF inter
ference according to
IEC 61000-4-6
3 V
150 kHz to 80
Not applicable
Radiated HF interfer
ence according to
IEC 61000-4-3
3 V/m 80 MHz to
2.5 GHz
12 V/m 80 MHz to
1 GHz
3 V/m 1 GHz to
2.5 GHz
Portable and mobile
wireless equipment
should not be used at
a lesser distance from
the product 'Genium
X3 - Bionic Prosthetic
System 3B5-X3 /
Genium X3 3B5-2'
including the lines
than the recommen
ded safety distance
calculated using the
equation applicable for
the transmission fre
safety distance:
d = 0.3 √P for 80 MHz
to 800 MHz
d = 2.3 √P for
800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
where P is the nominal
output of the transmit
ter in watts (W)
according to the trans
mitter manufacturer
and d is the recom
mended safety dis
tance in metres (m).
The field strength of
stationary radio trans
mitters at all frequen
cies according to an
on-site investigation
should be less than
the compliance level.
Interference is pos
sible in the vicinity of
devices that bear the
following symbol.
Note 1:
The higher frequency range applies at 80 MHz and 800 MHz.
Note 2:
These directives may not be applicable in all cases. The propagation of electromagnetic
factors is influenced by absorption and reflection by buildings, objects and people.