Table of contents
3.1 Measured value output to the SDI-12 and RS-485 interfaces 7
3.2 Measured value output at pulse output 9
3.3 Graphic display of measured value output for different precipitation intensities 11
3.4 Orifice ring rim heater 12
5.1 Recommended cable types/maximum cable lengths 16
5.2 Required tools and equipment 17
5.3 Preparing the installation location 18
5.4 Preparing the base plate 19
5.5 Preparing the connection cable 20
5.6 Installing the base plate on the pedestal 22
5.7 Connecting the connection cable 23
5.8 Connecting the grounding cable 23
5.9 Aligning the base plate 24
6 SDI-12 commands and responses 29
6.2 Advanced SDI-12 commands 32
6.3 RS-485 command line mode (ASCII text retrieval) 35
7 Performing maintenance operations 36
7.1 Emptying the collecting bucket 36
7.2 Adding anti-freeze agent for winter operation 36
7.3 Performing the visual inspection 37
7.4 Additional checks in cases of defect 37
7.6 Performing the Guided Accuracy Test (check measurement) 42
9 Notes about the disposal of used units 44
Appendix A – Connecting the OTT Pluvio
S to an OTT netDL or OTT DuoSens via SDI-12 or RS-485 interface 47
S to an OTT netDL or OTT DuoSens via the pulse output 49
Appendix B – Dimensions of the OTT Pluvio
S with pedestal and bottom plate 51
Appendix C – Dimensions of pedestal with bottom plate 52