3 Introduction
The OTT Pluvio
S precipitation gauge is used for automatic determination of the
meteorological intensity and amount of precipitation.
In contrast to conventional precipitation gauges, the OTT Pluvio
S works using the
weighing principle. The OTT Pluvio
S reliably detects precipitation, whether liquid
or solid, by determining the weight of the collecting bucket. The OTT precipitation
gauge is characterized in particular by its low maintenance needs. This is achieved
by means of a high-capacity collecting bucket, the lack of a collection funnel as is
typical for tipping buckets, and the very robust design of the weighing mechanism.
A high-precision, stainless steel load cell, hermetically sealed against environmental
influences that remains stable over a long period, is used as the sensor element.
An integrated temperature sensor compensates for the temperature changes in the
weighing mechanism. The mechanical overload protection prevents damage to the
load cell from forces in a vertical direction higher than permitted, e.g. when emp-
tying the collecting bucket.
Fig. 1: OTT Pluvio
S precipitation gauge.