For service purposes (test measurements, convenient setting of operating parame-
ters and for an accuracy test) a USB interface has been provided. The particular
advantage of this is: when using the USB interface, no separate power supply is
Please note:
After connecting the USB interface, the OTT Pluvio
S interrupts
communication on the serial interfaces!
The measuring system of the OTT Pluvio2 S prevents output of any incorrect
precipitation amount and does not output any increases in precipitation through
the interfaces after the following situations:
USB interface was connected (pipe housing removed) for approx. 5 minutes
Emptying (large reduction in weight) for approx. 5 minutes
Startup/power failure for approx. 2 minutes
The OTT test weight kit (accessory) is used to perform annual check measurements
(guided accuracy test) in conjunction with the OTT Pluvio
operating software.
3.1 Measured value output to the SDI-12 and RS-485 interfaces
Intensity RT
Moving precipitation growth over the last minute before the sampling interval
(measuring method acc. to WMO Guideline No. 8). This measured value is
particularly suited, for example, for the exact determination of intensity with heavy
precipitation and for alarm management, but not for daily and monthly totals.
Output delay: Real-time output (RT)
Units: mm/h · mm/min
inch/h · inch/min
Threshold: 0,1 mm/min · 6 mm/h
Sampling interval required: 1 minute
Storing interval required: 1 minute
Larger sampling intervals always give the precipitation intensity of the minute
just before the sampling interval! For precipitation intensities of < 0.1 mm/min, the
OTT Pluvio
S sets the output value to zero. Thus, this output value may not be used
for accumulating single intensity values.
This value is a combination of real-time and non-real-time output. This value pro-
vides the benefit of faster RT output together with subsequent non-real-time output
delivering the maximum accuracy possible. It shows the accumulated amounts of
precipitation over the sampling interval. If the amount of precipitation exceeds the
threshold, the OTT Pluvio
S outputs the measurement result in real time. Other-
wise, it collects the fine precipitation over a maximum of one hour and outputs the
measured value in non-real time. If the fine precipitation does not reach the
threshold within an hour, there will be no output. This measured value is similar to
the behaviour of a precipitation gauge with tipping bucket. This measured value is
particularly suited for daily or monthly totals and for alarm management.
Output delay: Real-time output (RT) for precipitation events
immediately exceeding the threshold, otherwise
non-real-time output (NRT).
Units: mm · inch
Threshold: 0.03 mm within an hour