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You will see the connection status as below.
1. CONNECT/Disconnect: Click to connect or exit the network connection, the network signal strength value (1-26) can be seen after the successful network
2. OUTPUT1/OUTPUT2: Activate relay 1 and relay 2 respectively, select to activate the relay and unselect to inactivate the relay
3. Refresh: Select this button to refresh the page
4. Parameters:
<1> Administration password: 4 digit (default 1234)
<2> Administrator SMS comfirmation: After the selection, the administrator will receive a confirmation message after each operation
<3> REGULARLY INSPECT (HOUR) – This function is used to check whether the device is working normally regularly. The user can set it after a limited hour, and the
controller will automatically send a test message to the user's mobile phone to confirm that the device is working normally
<4> Authorized caller ID – control can be performed only from authorized number in the device (default) or from any phone number without limitations(unselect)
<5> Save
<6> Restore factory - the number, working mode and password are all restored to factory default
<7> Firmware Build: Jun 27 2020 19:31:05 --- date of last update
<8> Ready working - Working properly
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