eight channel digital video recorder
pTz acTiVaTion:
This function requires a PTZ camera to be
installed with the DVR. PTZ camera can be configured to
perform specified actions when video blind alarm is triggered.
PTZ camera can be set to move to preset viewing direction or
start patrolling. Refer to
23 System > PTZ Config
for details.
Duration the DVR continues to record the channel
after video blind alarm is triggered.
shoW Message:
Pop up message on live monitoring
screen when video blind alarm is triggered.
senD eMail:
DVR automatically sends email to user’s email
account when the video blind alarm is triggered. Refer to
21 System > Net Service > Email
for details.
DVR emits an alarm tone using its internal buzzer
when the video blind alarm is triggered.
FTp uploaD:
DVR uploads recording files of the alarm event
to the FTP server when the video blind alarm is triggered.
Refer to
21 System > Net Service > FTP
for details.
up WinDoW:
Return to previous menu.
shoW DeskTop:
Exit to main monitoring display screen.
Copy current channel settings.
Paste copied channel settings
Restore default settings.
recorD conF:
Open Record Config. menu.
14 alarm > Video loss
Video loss is a function that generates an alarm signal when
the DVR detects that the video feed from the camera is lost.
This can be particularly useful when power or data transmission
between DVR and camera are interrupted or tampered.
Video channel that is being configured. This
number corresponds to the BNC video input on the rear
panel of the DVR.
Check this box to enable video loss detection.
Video loss detection schedule. This schedule can
be customised for each day of the week. Choose
if it
is required to keep the schedule the same for everyday.
The green bar indicates the periods when the video loss
detection is enabled.
alarM ouTpuT:
Send signal to connected wired alarm
device when video loss alarm is triggered.
Duration between video loss alarm trigger and
signal output.
recorD channel:
Multiple channels can be triggered to
record when the current channel triggers video loss alarm.
Live monitoring screen displays selected channels in
single-view mode when the current channel triggers video
loss alarm. Refer to
29 System > Tour
for details.
pTz acTiVaTion:
This function requires a PTZ camera to
be installed with the DVR. PTZ camera can be configured to
perform specified actions when video loss alarm is triggered.
PTZ camera can be set to move to preset viewing direction
or start patrolling. Refer to
23 System > PTZ Config
for details.
Duration the DVR continues to record the channel
after video loss alarm is triggered.
shoW Message:
Pop up message on live monitoring
screen when video loss alarm is triggered.
senD eMail:
DVR automatically sends email to user’s email
account when the video loss alarm is triggered. Refer to
21 System > Net Service > Email
for details.
DVR emits an alarm tone using its internal buzzer
when the video loss alarm is triggered.
FTp uploaD:
DVR uploads recording files of the alarm
event to the FTP server when the video loss alarm is
triggered. Refer to
21 System > Net Service > FTP
for details.
up WinDoW:
Return to previous menu.
shoW DeskTop:
Exit to main monitoring display screen.
Copy current channel settings.
Paste copied channel settings.
Restore default settings.
recorD conF:
Open Record Config. menu.