User Manual
Load Button
The Load Button opens five “Factory Presets” and five “User Created” weld settings (User Created
slots will read as “empty slot” until a User Created setting is saved . See save button to learn how
to do this) . This feature allows users to tell the Orion what type of metal they are welding or which
saved setting they would like to load . After selecting a factory preset or user created option, the
Orion will calibrate itself to the settings of that preset .
1 . Touching the “Load” button
at the top left of the user
interface .
2 . A list of “Factory Preset”
metals will appear on the
left, and previously saved
“User Created” options will
appear on the right .
3 . Select the type of metal
being welded or previously
saved User Created option .
4 . Touch the “Load” button at
the top right of the screen
and the system is calibrated
to that setting .
Save Button
This feature will save the users current Weld Energy, Agitation, Trigger Type, and all the current
settings in the settings tab (ie Pre-Flow Delay, Post-Flow Delay, Accelerator, Pre-Weld, Retract
Delay, and Weld Time/Duration) . To begin, touch the “Save” button at the top left of the interface
then follow these steps:
1 . Chose an empty slot in the
middle of the screen .
2 . Touch the Save button at
the top right hand side of
the screen .
*When users go to load this
saved setting it will read
as the energy setting in
Watt Seconds . Be sure to
remember what the saved
energy setting was in order
to load this saved setting .