IGS-9168GP User’s Manual
ORing Industrial Networking Corp
: no authentication protocol
: an optional flag to indicate that this user is using MD5
authentication protocol
: an optional flag to indicate that this user is using SHA
authentication protocol
The value of security level cannot be modified if the entry already
exists, which means the value must be set correctly at the time of
entry creation.
A string identifying the authentication pass phrase. For MD5
authentication protocol, the allowed string length is 8 to 32. For SHA
authentication protocol, the allowed string length is 8 to 40. Only
ASCII characters from 33 to 126 are allowed.
Privacy Protocol
Indicates the privacy protocol that this entry should belong to.
Possible privacy protocols include:
: no privacy protocol
: an optional flag to indicate that this user is using DES
authentication protocol
Privacy Password
A string identifying the privacy pass phrase. The allowed string length
is 8 to 32, and only ASCII characters from 33 to 126 are allowed.
5.5.4 SNMP Group Configurations
An SNMP group is an access control policy for you to add users. Each SNMP group is
configured with a security model, and is associated with an SNMP view. A user within an
SNMP group should match the security model of the SNMP group. These parameters specify
what type of authentication and privacy a user within an SNMP group uses. Each SNMP group
name and security model pair must be unique. This page allows you to configure the SNMPv3
group table. The entry index keys are
Security Model
Security Name