Installation Manual:
AX20-RT Treatment Units
Rev. 1.0, 1/10
© 2010 Orenco Systems
This manual covers installation of all models of our AdvanTex AX20-RT Treatment Units. In addition to this man-
ual, the installation manual for the system’s electrical control panel describes installation, wiring, and operating
instructions for Orenco control panels. Please read all other control panel documentation, as well.
It’s important that you read through this entire manual before beginning the installation. And make sure you have
the correct equipment, materials, tools, and training to perform this installation. Please note that
you must perform
the installation according to the current manual to keep the warranty in force
Once you become familiar with the installation process, you should be able to install an AdvanTex AX20-RT unit
in less than half a day, not counting the time to install the tank and dispersal system.
Conditions for Using an AX20-RT to Repair an Existing System
Before you install an AX20-RT to repair or upgrade an existing septic system, be sure that the following conditions
are met:
The existing primary tank must be Orenco-approved and must meet all applicable regulatory requirements.
(No pour-in-place tanks, no homemade tanks, etc.)
• The existing primary tank must be structurally sound.
• The existing primary tank must have at least 1000 gallons (3800 liters) capacity at the normal operating
level (1000 gal. or 3800 L below the invert of the outlet).
• The existing primary tank must have an at-grade access with a securable and removable lid. If it doesn’t, an
at-grade access must be installed onto the primary tank and be made watertight.
• The primary tank must be tested for leakage to a height of at least 2 inches into the riser, and it must hold
water for at least sixty minutes.
• An Orenco effluent filter with at least 5 ft
of filter area must be installed and accessible in the existing
primary tank (models FT0822-14B, FTW0444-36V, or FTS0444-36V ).
• The depth of burial of the existing primary tank must allow for a fall of at least
in. per foot (10 mm per
meter or 1%) from the outlet of the existing primary tank to the inlet of the AX20-RT unit if the primary tank
uses a gravity discharge. If sufficient fall cannot be met, a pumping system will need to be installed in the
existing tank to move the filtered effluent to the AX20-RT unit. (Contact Orenco for assistance.)
Important Notes
• All tanks used with AX20-RT Treatment Units must be prequalified. Call your local Dealer for specifics.
• The backwash discharge from a salt-type water softener MUST NOT be plumbed into an AX20-RT Treatment
Unit or the preceding septic tank. Failure to follow this instruction, or any other in this manual, will void the
system’s warranty. Contact your AdvanTex Dealer if you have any questions about household plumbing
arrangements that may interfere with the functioning of the system.
• All pipe diameters given are U.S. nominal IPS pipe sizes. If you are using metric pipe, you may need
adapters to connect to the U.S. fittings supplied.
• If you are not a trained AdvanTex Installer, contact your local AdvanTex Dealer or Orenco for training
before installing this system.