Fahrenheit ProVideo 64 User's Manual
2. Is your monitor cable fastened securely and properly?
Check both the connection at the monitor and at the
Fahrenheit ProVideo 64 card.
3. Is your monitor cable the correct kind for the Fahr-
enheit ProVideo 64? Check Section 1 for the proper
pin-out information to determine if your cable is
4. Is there another display adapter in your system? If it
is an on-board video display adapter, make sure it is
disabled. If the video display adapter is other than a
standard monochrome video adapter, remove it from
the system.
Symptom 4
The display loses synchronization once it gets into
a graphics program.
1. Is the vertical hold on your monitor properly set? Is
your software properly installed for your current
application? Check Section 2 for device driver infor-
2. Is your monitor able to display the graphics mode you
are using? Double check your monitor specifications
for the graphics modes supported.
3. Are you using the correct vertical refresh rate for
your monitor? Double check your monitor specifica-
tions for the refresh rates supported. If a refresh rate
is chosen that distorts the screen, use the DOS
MONSET utility to reset and test your selections.
Symptom 5
The display is garbled or scrolling in Windows.
1. The vertical refresh rate is set to high. Use the
MONSET program to lower the refresh rate.
Appendix A: Technical Help