7.0 Specific Test Instructions
Specific Test Procedure for Mini Analyst Model 942-095
Hardness, Total (Low Range)
0-1.5 mg/L(CaCO3), and higher by dilution
“Quick ‘n’ Easy” Test Kit No. 975-95 contains:
• R-4301, Hardness LR #1 Reagent (Safety Code 0, 5)*
• R-4302, Hardness LR #2 Buffer Solution (Safety Code A, 2)*
• R-3684, Deionized Water
* For Safety Code explanations, see Section 4.
Before Starting:
Read Sections 1 through 6 of manual, and all Notes below. Do not inter-mix glass and plastic Tubes. This is an
extremely low range test. If the sample is significantly higher than 1.5 mg/L and would require large dilutions
to bring to range, consider using tester No. 946-076 without needs for dilutions.
Sampling and Storage:
Collect samples in clean plastic or glass bottles that have been rinsed with Deionized water (R-3684). If sample
is turbid, use an analytical (quantitative) filter paper to filter. Samples can be stored if adjusted to pH 2 or less
with Nitric Acid.
Pre-Treatment of “Sample Tubes”
This test will detect even the slightest hardness contamination. To remove all traces of contamination, do
the following TWICE.
1. Add 2 drops of Reagent 1 to the test tube and enough deionized water to just cover the bottom of the
test tube.
2. Cap and shake the tube. Remove cap and rinse both the cap and the tube with deionized water.
Test Procedure:
1. Prepare a Blank Tube by filling a clean, dry tube to the 10 mL mark with sample. Cap the tube, and set it
aside for later use. This tube will serve as the “blank”
2. Fill a second clean, dry tube to the 10mL mark with sample. This will serve as the “sample” tube.
3. Holding the bottle vertically, add 5 drops of Hardness LR #1 Reagent. Add the drops slowly to increase
the accuracy, allowing each drop to fully develop before adding the next.
4. Cap the tube and invert until the color is uniform.