5. FOLLOW PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY! Do not take short cuts. Follow the steps in
the order given. Make certain to correctly time the waiting period for proper reaction and
color development.
provided for the purpose. In any tests involving hot flasks, beakers, or labware, use heat
resistant gloves or lab tongs.
7. Dropping pipets are not fitted with bottle caps are not intended to be left in reagent
containers. After use, they and regular pipets, tubes and other glassware should be washed
with water, rinsed with distilled or deionized water, and allowed to drain dry. Be careful not
to place pipets on soiled work surfaces, where they could become accidently soiled and
contaminate a reagent bottle when reintroduced to it.
8. When Handling potentially hazardous reagents, wear eye protection, protective clothing and
suitable gloves. Where so cautioned in a procedure, strictly follow “use in well ventilated
areas” instructions if a suitable fume hood is not available. It is wise to always work carefully
and neatly. Be careful not to splash, spill, or drip reagents on skin, clothing, shoes, work
surfaces, etc. If hazardous chemicals have accidently contacted skin or eyes, copiously flush
with water for 15 minutes, and if necessary call a physician. Clean up and properly dispose of
spills immediately. Wash hands thoroughly after use.
9. Do not store reagents near food or use near where food is eaten. Do not smoke near open
reagent bottles, especially irritants. Replace and tighten reagent container bottle caps
immediately after use, and take special care not to interchange bottle caps.
4.3 Explanation of Safety Codes
For your safety and convenience, any hazardous reagent in a “Quick ‘n’ Easy” Test Kit has been specially
coded. WHEN THEY ARE APPLICABLE, Safety Code letters and numbers are listed after the name of such
reagents at the beginning of the test procedures, and are explained on the following pages. (If no Safety
Code is listed, the reagent is not considered hazardous. Nevertheless, ALL reagents should be kept out of
the reach of those not authorized or trained to use them).
The first part of the code (LETTERS FROM “A” ONWARDS) refers to specific FIRST AID instructions
detailed either directly on the label of each specific reagent bottle, or as explained below.
The second part of the code (NUMBERS FROM “1” UPWARDS) refers to specific DISPOSAL
suggestions detailed below.
IMPORTANT: To be prepared to deal with First Aid or disposal emergencies, check the codes, if any, listed
in Section 6 for the Specific Test Procedure. Have immediate access to any items listed for first aid and/or