control to achieve a sound as close as possible to your desired sound be-
fore you make further modifications at the Advanced Modify level.
Gain Reduction Metering
Unlike the metering on some processors, when any OPTIMOD-PC gain reduction me-
ter indicates full-scale (at its bottom), it means that its associated compressor has run
out of gain reduction range, that the circuitry is being overloaded, and that various
nastinesses are likely to commence.
Because the various compressors have 25 dB of gain reduction range, the meter
should never come close to 25 dB gain reduction if OPTIMOD-PC has been set up for
a sane amount of gain reduction under ordinary program conditions.
Further, be aware of the different peak factors on voice and music—if voice and
music are peaked identically on a VU meter, voice may cause up to 10 dB more peak
gain reduction than does music! (A PPM will indicate relative peak levels much more
The AGC meter can be switched (within the Full Control screens) so that it either
reads the gain reduction of the Master (above-200 Hz) band, or the difference be-
tween the gain reduction in the Master and Bass bands.
The latter reading is useful for assessing the dynamic bass equalization
that the AGC produces and it helps you set the
Fundamental Requirements:
High-Quality Source Material and Accurate Monitoring
A major potential cause of distortion is excess peak limiting. Another cause is poor-
quality source material, including the effects of your playback machines, electronics,
and studio-to-transmitter link (if any). If the source material is distorted even
slightly, that distortion can be exaggerated by OPTIMOD-PC—particularly if a large
amount of gain reduction is used. Very clean audio can be processed harder without
producing objectionable distortion.
A high-quality monitor system is essential. To modify your sound effectively, you
must be able to hear the results of your adjustments. In too many facilities, the best
monitor is significantly inferior to the sound systems found in many listeners’
About the Processing Structures
If you want to create your own User Presets, the following detailed discussion of the
processing structures is important to understand. If you only use Factory Presets or if
you only modify them with
, you may still find the material interesting
but you do not need to understand it to get excellent sound from OPTIMOD-PC. We