Flue restrictor Ring
A 62mm restrictor ring is supplied with the stove. If the flue diameter is 150mm or more this ring
should be fitted inside the flue connection. There may however be certain circumstances where the
restrictor ring causes the stove to fail the spillage test. In such cases the restrictor ring MUST be
removed. After removal, conduct the spillage test again.
Ventilation should be in accordance with National Regulations. In the United Kingdom, purpose
provided ventilation is not normally required, except in new build houses. For Republic of Ireland
refer to I.S813 issued by the National Standards Authority of Ireland.
Gas Connection
The gas supply connection is behind the lower door of the stove on the inlet to the gas valve.
An isolation elbow with pressure test point is supplied with the stove for easy connection.
The gas supply should be purged and any loose matter removed.
Connect the gas supply pipe and check for gas soundness.
Fig. 2
62mm Flue restrictor ring
Dispersal medium
Remove the door locking screw and open the door (Fig.1)
Place the black granular dispersal medium supplied into the burner tray. Completely fill the burner