Plate #2 has pins, which should be placed
into the holes of plate#1 and basic plate (3)
3. On the top put the adjusting plate (4); its
bent wall should be placed down and
should face you.
4. Put the arm of the machine down.
5. Keeping the arm down, turn the knobs of
the basic plate (3) maximally clockwise
6. Lift the arm of the machine
Repeat steps 5, 6, 7 for several times.
7 Take the adjusting plate (4) off.
The process of adjusting should assure
the highest quality of hot stamping.
However, it may happen to be necessary
to increase the pressure on the cover
(e.g. pale dots within the embossed
area) or decrease the pressure (e.g.
blurred letters). In such case:
-turn the knobs of the basic plate (3)
clockwise – to increase the pressure
-turn the knobs of the basic plate (3)
counter-clockwise – to decrease
the pressure
Also, if the inscription is not uniformly
hot stamped (e.g. left side is hot
stamped correctly, while right side is
blurred) , turn the adequate knobs
clockwise or counter-clockwise (to
increase/decrease the pressure on the
adequate side of the basic plate (3)).
Adjustment does not have to be con-
ducted every time when changing the
fonts or type of cover. It should be
repeated only after the hot stamping
result is not satisfactory.
Metalbind cover (set of two separated co-
vers and a channel)
1. Put the basic plate (3) into the heating
slot, and then the plate #1 and plate#2
2. Put the cover to be hot stamped on the
C-bind cover (typical cover with a built-in
1. Put the basic plate (3) into the heating slot
and a plate #2 on it.
2. Put the C-bind cover with its channel up.
3. Inside the cover , in the place where you
are going to hot stamp, insert the CB
layer (4)
4. Put the cover (with the CB layer in) on
the plates
Preparing the channel for hot
With the machine ONLY the O•CHANNELS
manufactured by OPUS can be hot
To hot stamp on channels you need to use
O.GoldChannel Base
1. Fix the changeable part onto the channel
base (pins of the base should fix into the
holes in the changeable part). Make sure
that the size of the changeable part (indi-
cated in front) must be same as the size
of the channel you want to hot stamp on.
2. Put the channel on the changeable part;
make sure the bent side wall of the chan-
nel is placed in front of you (see the pic-
ture). If necessary, centre the channel
using the scale sticked on the base