Squelch Indicator
The Squelch Indicator is the horizontal line on the right side of the top line. With no signal present only
the horizontal line is displayed. When a signal is being received by the CD100 the horizontal line turns
into a solid box.
Active Decode Indicator
The Active Decode Indicator is indicated by an asterisk “*” when the CD100 is actively decoding
CTCSS, DCS or LTR. The asterisk will be present on the right hand side of the display. The tone or
code will remain after the signal drops, although the asterisk will disappear from the display. The aster-
isk does not apply for DTMF decoding.
Low Battery Indicator
A low battery condition will be indicated by the words “LOW BATTERY” on the display. When low
battery is indicated the CD100 will turn itself off within 30 seconds. The CD100 will charge while
being operated from the AC90. The CD100 takes 8-10 hours to charge. Battery life from a full charge
is 4-5 hours. Do not exceed 9VDC unregulated or 12VDC regulated when running the CD100 from an
external power source.
The backlight is an Electroluminescent (EL) backlight that is turned on by pressing the POWER button
down for two seconds. To turn the backlight off, press the POWER button down for two seconds.
Display Indicators