V 1.0 - eng
1. Disclaimer
● OPTO ENGINEERING declines every and all responsibilities for incorrect use of the product
and should not be responsible for any error or omission.
● The instructions supplied at the time of delivery cannot cover all eventualities that might be
verified during the installation, use or maintenance. If any further information relative to
particular procedures of installation, use, and maintenance of the product is required, please
contact the representative person of OPTO ENGINEERING.
● OPTO ENGINEERING declines every and all responsibilities for possible damages of any
type to persons or things, which could be a direct or indirect consequence of the wrong choice
made by the client/user, or of the unsuccessful observance of all the prescriptions indicated
in the Documentation and in the manuals of use and of assembling. Specific manuals of the
components making part of the present Product are supplied with the components and are
available at www.opto-e.com website.
● The buyers/users of the OPTO ENGINEERING Product should proceed, under the own direct
responsibility and at their own care and expenses, with all necessary and appropriate
controls, test, verifications and eventual operating trials, in order to verify the correspondence
of the OPTO ENGINEERING Product to their necessities or requirements.
● The advantages or the disadvantages of the OPTO ENGINEERING Product use for any
utilization or application can be evaluated in a most critical and complete way only and
exclusively through the verifications, analyses and the tests made by the very buyers/users.
● The possible invalidity or ineffectiveness of one or any more clauses of present Disclaimer
will not affect the validity and the efficacy of other provisions. In such a case, the invalid or
ineffective clause will be substituted with a valid and effective one that achieves in the most
possible way, the same results and the intention of OPTO ENGINEERING.