When 0x2 the mid current range (zero up to 4000 mA) is selected
When 0x3 the high current range (zero up to 20000 mA) is selected
Bit field [15:2] of this register is unused. When writing these bits, they must be set to zero.
14.2.20. Registers CUR_VALUE[0:7]
Each bit field [14:0] of these eight registers defines the current value for the relevant light output.
: current value setting for light output LD1
: current value setting for light output LD2
: current value setting for light output LD3
: current value setting for light output LD4
: current value setting for light output LD5
: current value setting for light output LD6
: current value setting for light output LD7
: current value setting for light output LD8
Allowed values are in the range from zero to 20000 and are expressed in mA, so the required current
can range from zero up to 20000 mA. The resolution of the generated current depends on the range
the required current falls in. Please see
for more information. Avoid operation with non-
allowed values.
Bit 15 of these registers are unused. When writing these bits, they must be set to zero.
14.2.21. Register RS485_MODBUS_ADDR
This register contains the Modbus address of the controller for the serial RS485 interface. The default
value is 32. Permitted values are in the interval between 1 and 247. Avoid operation with non-allowed
The factory settings can be restored using the INIT button (see
INIT button functionalities).
14.2.22. Register RS485_LINE_SPEED
Each bit field [2:0] of this register holds the speed setting for the serial RS485 interface.
Allowed values are in the range from 0 to 7 and are listed below. Avoid operation with non-listed
When 0x0 the selected baud rate is 1200 bits per second
When 0x1 the selected baud rate is 2800 bits per second
When 0x2 the selected baud rate is 4800 bits per second
When 0x3 the selected baud rate is 9600 bits per second (default value)
When 0x4 the selected baud rate is 19200 bits per second
When 0x5 the selected baud rate is 38400 bits per second
When 0x6 the selected baud rate is 57600 bits per second