SNAP PAC R-Series Controller User’s Guide
So, for example, a SNAP PAC R-series controller can respond to directions from a Modbus
master, give analog point data to a technician using PAC Manager, and carry out
instructions from a custom C++ application—all at once.
Accessing SNAP R-Series Controllers over the Internet
Since SNAP PAC R-series controllers are just like any other hardware on the Ethernet
network, you can access them over the Internet in exactly the same way you would access a
computer. The details depend on your network and Internet connection. Consult your
system or network administrator or your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for more
Choosing Communication Methods
How do you need to communicate with SNAP PAC R-series controllers to match the tasks
your application requires? Check the following table for help in choosing communication
methods and finding out where to look for more information on them.
This task
Can be done using these methods
Details and references for information
Configure controllers.
PAC Manager (I/O
points and other
functions) or PAC
Control (I/O points
For A-B systems,
use EtherNet/IP
OptoMMP Commu-
nication Toolkit or
IEEE 1394-based
If you are using PAC Control, configure the system in
PAC Control configure mode. See the
PAC Control
User’s Guide
For A-B systems, see
EtherNet/IP for SNAP PAC Proto-
col Guide
For the Communication Toolkit or IEEE 1394-based pro-
tocol, see
OptoMMP Protocol Guide
Monitor and control processes.
PAC Control flow-
chart logic
PAC Manager
Inspect window or
OptoMMP Commu-
nication Toolkit or
IEEE 1394-based
PAC Control User’s Guide
Command Reference
CAUTION! Events and reactions set up using alternate
methods are faster than flowchart logic, but be careful if
you use them. They can conflict with PAC Control logic,
because both write to the controller’s memory map. For
Communication Toolkit or IEEE 1394-based protocol,
OptoMMP Protocol Guide
Send email to or page someone.
Send SNMP trap.
Monitor devices through an
enterprise management system.
PAC Manager (for
PAC Control
OptoMMP Commu-
nication Toolkit or
IEEE 1394-based
If you are using PAC Control, configure email using PAC
Manager. See the
PAC Manager User’s Guide
For Communication Toolkit or IEEE 1394-based protocol,
OptoMMP Protocol Guide
Give technicians an Opto 22
HMI with alarming and trending.
PAC Display
PAC Display User’s Guide.
Monitor and control SNAP PAC
R-series controllers on the net-
PAC Control
PAC Control with a SNAP PAC R-series or SNAP PAC
S-series controller (see
PAC Control User’s Guide
Command Reference