If “User-Defined” is selected, battery
charge voltage and low DC cut-off
voltage can be set up in program 17,
18 and 19.
Pylontech battery
If selected, programs of 11, 17, 18
and 19 will be automatically set up.
No need for further setting.
WECO battery (only
for 5KW)
If selected, programs of 11, 17, 18, 19
and 20 will be auto-configured per
battery supplier recommended. No
need for further adjustment.
Programs of 20 and 21 parameters
refer to SOC of battery.
Soltaro battery
If selected, programs of 11, 17, 18
and 19 will be automatically set up.
No need for further setting.
Bulk charging voltage
(C.V voltage)
Default setting: 56.4V
If self-defined is selected in program 14, this program can be
set up. Setting range is from 48.0V to 64.0V. Increment of
each click is 0.1V.
Floating charging voltage
Default setting: 54.0V
If self-defined is selected in program 14, this program can be
set up. Setting range is from 48.0V to 60.0V. Increment of
each click is 0.1V.
Low DC cut off battery voltage
Default setting: 40.8V
If self-defined is selected in program 14, this program can be
set up. Setting range is from 40.8V to 48.0V. Increment of
each click is 0.1V. Low DC cut-off voltage will be fixed to
setting value no matter what percentage of load is connected.
Battery stop discharging
voltage when grid is available
default setting: 46V
Setting range is from 44V to 51V
and increment of each click is 1V.
10% (default)
If “WECO battery” is selected in
program 14, the parameter will be
fixed at 10% SOC of battery.