Main Menu
default: Standard
2. Surround: To set Stage Effect OFF, Concert, Church, Passive, Live;
Default: OFF
3. Active Antenna: To set 5V voltage output to Terrestrial Antenna
4. JPEG Effect: To set different fading in effect for viewing Photo over
USB device
5. LCN: To set LCN function on (Logical Channel Number)
6. Area: To set the country for LCN function
3.4 Time
Set the Time mode and GMT time etc.
in this menu
1. Time Mode: To Select AUTO or
MANUAL setting of time
2. Date: To set the calendar date
3. Time: To set the correct time
4. GMT Offset: To set the GMT
time zone
5. Summer Time: To select ON or
OFF for Summer time
3.5 Wakeup Timer
If you want to set channel playing at
certain time or giving some hint
information such as Birthday. You can set
via Wakeup Timer menu.
1. Timer Number: To select the
number of each timer, there are
total 8 event timer available.
2. Timer Mode: To set the timer in
different mode, such as OFF;
Once; Daily; Weekly; Yearly.
3. Wakeup Mode: To set Wakeup
Mode option as: OFF; Message; Channel and ON.
4. Wakeup Message: To set Wakeup message as: Birthday, Anniversary,
General. A greeting message will appear on Screen.
5. Wakeup Date: To set the Wakeup date.
6. On Time: To set the Wakeup time.
7. Duration: To set the duration time of selected channel you want to