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6. Exit the Braille settings and the setting window, congratulations, the braille
device is configured.
Removing Braille Display configuration.
Follow the below steps
1. Go to Mobile Accessibility > Apps > Settings > Wireless and Network >
Bluetooth Settings.
2. Check the option “Bluetooth”.
3. In the same window, scroll down to find the device you wish to remove.
4. Hit Long enter on the device and select “Unpair”
Enabling / Disabling Braille
To enable or to start braille with Mobile Accessibility:
1. Activate quick menu, use the menu key or triple tap the screen within Mobile
Accessibility window.
2. Select the option “Enable Braille”.
3. Mobile Accessibility will beep and will announce “Braille Ready”.
To disable or to stop Braille with Mobile Accessibility:
1. Activate quick menu, use the menu key or triple tap the screen within Mobile
Accessibility window.
2. Select the option “Disable Braille”.
3. Mobile Accessibility will beep and will announce “Braille off”.
Braille Configuration options:
Location: Mobile Accessibility > Settings > Braille Settings:
1. Braille Device: the option lists all the Bluetooth devices paired the phone, you
need to select the braille display you wish to use with Mobile Accessibility.
2. Device Model: the option lists all the supported Braille device models with their
manufacturer name, you need to select the model of the braille device been selected
in the Braille device option.
3. Show control Indicator: checkbox (selected by default) – apart from text, Mobile
Accessibility also helps you determine if focus is on a control, and to know the control
type and state. Language-dependent Braille indicators for control information are also
displayed before the label of the control in focus. Indicators are always displayed in
computer Braille, no matter what Braille grade is set, and dots 7 and 8 appear in all
their cells to help distinguish them from regular text. If the control does not change
state, then the Braille indicator consists of only two characters which are letters that
relate to the control type name. The letters used in the indicators also vary according
to the language of the selected text-to-speech engine. For example, a button is
indicated by the letters bt in English, but by the letters kn in Dutch where a button is
called "knop". On the other hand, if the control changes state, then there is a third
character in the indicator, which is a symbol that is kept constant in all languages