6.8 Mounting the driver on the rickshaw
6.8.1 Insert a screw (14) through the 3.5mm hole in the ankle (3c), place the figure on the seat and insert the screw
into the 2mm hole in the wheel (8a) Tighten it so that the legs can still move freely.
6.8.2 Now centralise the figure on the steering bar so that the mounting post (3d) is in the middle of the chassis and
the body is leaning forward. Before gluing him in position check that all the parts can move freely. Check by
rotating the rear wheels.
Once you are satisfied the driver can be glued on to the seat and the mounting post glued on to the chassis.
6.9 Making and assembling the roof frame and cover
6.9.1 Bend the three welding rods (7) as shown and remove any sharp edges with a file.
Scale 1 : 1