SWG-1016 User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. ,LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn
Max Jitter Interps
The maximum number of interpolation frames the jitter buffer should
return in a row. Since some clients do not send CNG/DTX frames to
indicate silence, the jitter buffer will assume silence has begun after
returning this many interpolations. This prevents interpolating
throughout a long silence.
Jitter Target Extra
Number of milliseconds by which the new jitter buffer will pad its size.
The default is 40, so without modification, the new jitter buffer will set
its size to the jitter value may help if your network normally has low
jitter, but occasionally has spikes.
4.3.5 Misc Settings
Figure 4-26 Misc Settings
Table 4-20
Instruction of Misc Settings
IAX Thread Count
Establishes the number of iax helper thread to handle I/O
IAX Max Thread Count
Establishes the number of extra dynamic threads that may by
spawned to handle I/O
Max Call Number
‘maxcallnumbers’ option limits the amount of call numbers
allowed for each individual remote IP address. Once an IP address
reaches its call number limit, no more new connections are allowed
until the previous ones close. This option can be used in a peer
definition as well, but only takes effect for the IP of a dynamic peer