Step 3: Route tubing between Controlled and Reference Space
1. Drill a hole through each side of the wall that is large enough to pass through the tubing. Wall cut out should not
exceed the dimension of the supplied wall plate.
2. From the Reference Space, first route tubing through rubber sealed grommet, then through wall plate, and through
the wall to the Controlled Space wall plate.
3. From the Controlled Space (monitored room), connect the pickup screen to the tubing routed from the Reference
4. Attach Controlled Space wall plate to the tubing by screwing the screen pickup into the mating connector. Make
sure to use the backing gasket on the wall plate to ensure no pressure leaks.
5. Secure Controlled Space wall plate to surface.
Step 4: Mount sensor, connect tubing, and apply power
1. Mount sensor using the key-hole slot on backside of unit.
Determine the mounting location by referencing the key-hole slot located on the back of the device. Pre-drill
mounting hole into the wall surface and insert wall anchor.
Insert a #6 drywall screw into the wall anchor, leaving approximately 3/8 in. (0.95 cm) of the screw head exposed
for hanging.
Attach device by sliding the key-hole slot onto the mounting screw. Ensure the device is properly secured and level.
Optionally mount to surface using the supplied 3M™ Dual Lock Fastener & Tape, 2" x 1" strips. It's
recommended to place the strip(s) horizontally.
2. Attach tubing to appropriate port located on the bottom side of the sensor. Tubing can be cut to length as required.
Where the sensor is mounted determines the port the tubing is attached to. Sensor can monitor for either for
Positive or Negative pressure in the Controlled space, which is configured from OneVue.
Sensor located in Reference space: Push tubing onto the sensor H (High) port.
Sensor located in Controlled space: Push tubing onto the sensor L (Low) port.
3. Dress and secure the tubing as needed. Arrange the tubing to minimize stress on the connections and ensure there
are no kinks in the tubing.
4. Apply primary power to sensor; AC or PoE.
5. Secure Reference Space wall plate to surface.
6. Snap the sensor's removable port cover into place.
Step 5: Verify connection to OneVue
1. Verify Signal OK is displayed on the LCD screen, which indicates it successfully checked-in. When power was
applied, the sensor initiated a check-in to OneVue.
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