2. When the door switch has remained in an Open status for longer than the sensor's Door Delay setting, the sensor
and its assigned Monitored Asset (room) is automatically set to an Alarms Disabled state with a status of Past
Door Delay.
3. During the Alarms Disabled state, the sensor device continues to transmit its readings and operating statuses, but
the data is only logged and stored in your OneVue account. OneVue does not monitor the sensor readings or
device operating status and disables the alerts assigned to the Monitored Asset during the Alarms Disabled state.
4. When the door switch changes from an Open status to a Closed status, the device automatically transmits the
Closed status to OneVue. The sensor and its Monitored Asset (room) are then set to a Normal state and the
system begins to monitor the sensor readings and device operating conditions.
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