Setup the password for user and admin.
To active password access.
Selecting “ON” will require a password in order to access the
setup menu.
There are 3 levels for MDVR setup, the USER, the POWER USER and ADMINISTRATOR.
the default user password is 22222222. This user level is used for the common user who can
check the video files (and playback the file) and system information only (e.g, network status, the MDVR firmware
version, the battery information), not allowed to make the configuration for the MDVR.
Below is the GUI interface for the user password authority. Usually this level can be authorized to the driver.
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If the FLASH is damaged or firmware crashes (The MDVR can boot up to System Initializing interface
only and the POWER LED on the MDVR is ON. It cannot boot up to quad view interface). For this
situation, please contact
technical support trying to upgrade the firmware by TFTP upgrade