How to Start the Setup Program
This chapter describes how to start the setup program. To set the robot vision of
the Vision Sensor, the setup program must be running on the robot side. Establish
the connection between the Vision Sensor and the robot controller by [3. Connecting
Vision Sensor to Robot Controller]
Confirm the execute function
“fhsetup_main ()” in source
When change the other
function to be executed,
Modify the function name.
'Set the user task do nothing
fh_usertaskfunc_no = 0
'Start User Task
FORKMCR 990, 10000
CallProc fhsetup_main()
'CallProc fhsample_main()
'CallProc fhsample_calaos()
Change the IP Port in source
code routine based on the
actual installation
Initial setting values of
communication are as follows.
IP address (4th octet): 100
Port number: 9876
'Set network parameter
fh_ip_address = 100
fh_port_no = 9876
fh_retries_connect = 2
fh_timeout_connect = 4
Used to specify the least significant byte of
the server IP address. For the three high
bytes, use the same bytes as those of this
controller TCP/IP setting.