Product Specifications and User’s Guide
Blooming Reduction Mode
When using this mode, the blooming between pixels at pixel saturation, can be reduced.
It is necessary to set more than 6 dB at AnalogGain when using this function.
GenICam Parameter
BloomingReductionMode IEnumeration
Blooming reduction mode selection
Selection: ON (On), OFF (Off)
Default: Off
AGC (Auto Gain Contorl)
The brightness of image maintains to keep target brightness with gain automatically.
If the brightness of image is darker than target brightness, gain increases up to “GainAutoLimitMax”.
If the brightness of image is brighter than target brightness, gain decreases down to “GainAutoLimitMin”.
GenICam Parameters
IEnumeration Type
Adjustable gain selection
Selected gain can be adjusting by Gain [GainSelector].
Please select “AnalogAll” when AGC is turned on.
Selection: “AnalogAll” (analog gain) and “DigitalAll” (digital gain)
Default: “AnalogAll”
Gain [GainSelector]
IFloat Type
Selected gain at “GainSelector” is adjusting
Analog gain:
Range: 0 to 148
Default: 0
Digital gain:
Range: 0 to 255
Default: 0
Analog gain cannot adjustable when AGC is turned on.
IEnumeration Type
AGC ON / OFF selection
Selection: “ON” (Continuous) and “OFF” (Off)
Default: OFF
IFloat Type
Minimum gain for AGC
Range: 0 to 148
Default: 0
This cannot be set greater than “GainAutoLimitMax”
IFloat Type
Maximum gain for AGC
Range: 0 to 148
Default: 148
This cannot be set smaller than “GainAutoLimitMin”