1 System Configurations and Startup Procedures
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NA-series Programmable Terminal Startup Guide (V120)
Startup Procedures
This guide describes the startup procedures for an NA-series Programmable Terminal, from creating
the HMI application to debugging.
Refer to programming examples given in the
NJ-series Machine Automation Controller Startup Guide
(CPU Unit)
(W513) for information on the Controller connected to the HMI.
The procedures from creating the HMI application to debugging can be performed with the following
system configurations.
The startup procedures for each system configuration are given in the following figure.
System configuration
• Sysmac Studio only
Offline debugging
The HMI application and user program for the Controller are
created with the Sysmac Studio.
The operation of a virtual HMI and NJ-series CPU Unit is
simulated on the Sysmac Studio to debug the HMI applica-
• Sysmac Studio
• NA-series Programma-
ble Terminal
• CPU Unit
Online debugging
The HMI application and user program for the Controller are
created with the Sysmac Studio.
The HMI application is debugged on the actual HMI and
NJ-series CPU Unit.
Creating the
HMI application
Sysmac Studio
Offline Debugging
Online Debugging
Sysmac Studio
NA-series Programmable Terminal
CPU Unit
3-1 Installing the Sysmac Studio
4-2 Creating a New Project
3-2 Assembling the Hardware
4-3 Creating the HMI Application
4-6 Making the Initial HMI Settings