00061967.DOC, Version 1.0
5.7 Using the controller with other applications
uses the MIDI data control and can therefore also be used for other MIDI controlled
audio software. Each rotary control, button, wheel or fader of the controller
is assigned with its own unique
MIDI note (Note no.) or Continuous Controller (CC) number (CC no.) and MIDI channel. Each time you turn a
control, push a button, turn a wheel, or move a fader, the controller sends out MIDI data that is received and
interpreted by your music software.
To control MIDI-compatible software with the controller, connect it to the computer and configure the
application to receive MIDI data generated by the controller. Configuration varies from software to
software. Refer to your program’s documentation to learn how to do this. Most audio applications have
a MIDI learn function which allows you to quickly assign the control elements of the controller
to control
specific parameters within the software. Popular applications with MIDI learn function are Native
Instruments Traktor, Ableton Live, Mixvibes and Image Line Deckadance.
If your software does not have this functionality, it may still be possible to manually assign the
program’s features to be controlled by the specific MIDI CC data generated by the control elements of
the controller. Refer to your program’s user documentation to find out how to do this. Please see
[MIDI DEFAULTS] on page 70 for a complete listing of MIDI information
generated by the
When starting the included DJ software Virtual DJ LE, the controller switches to HID mode. For use with
a MIDI application, the controller must be reset MIDI mode. For this, switch the controller off and on
again after a few seconds. The controller will be recognized a MIDI device by your MIDI application.
This step is not necessary when starting your MIDI application directly after connecting the controller to
the computer.