AN-013-A OPS241 Code Update
OmniPreSense Corporation
OPS241 Code Update
From time to time, OmniPreSense provides code updates with new features and/or fixes for its radar
sensors. The embedded code in the OPS241 short range radar sensor can be easily updated to take
advantage of these enhancements. This application note describes how to update the code on the
OPS241 radar sensors.
Update Tools
To update the code on the OPS241 radar sensor the user will need a JTAG programmer and a PC based
code flashing tool. An example of a low cost JTAG programmer is the
(Figure 1) available
from Infineon. Other models are available from
Figure 1. miniWiggler JTAG Programmer
The code flashing tool used by OmniPreSense is Memtool (Figure 2) also provided by Infineon. This free
tool is available