Omnia Messages
Normal Boot-up Message
A healthy Omnia-3 running v 3.4.1 (FM Turbo style) will transmit the following text on the rear panel serial
port during boot up:
Omnia BIOS Software 1.13
Work : BIOS v1.13...
Work: Downloading OS...
Work: Downloading OS...
Work: Downloading OS...
Work: Downloading OS...
Work: Downloading OS...
Work: Downloading OS...
Work: Downloading OS...
Work: Downloading OS...
Querying motherboard...Rev. G or higher motherboard detected.
Work: Omnia 3.04.01...
Msg : Omnia 3.04.01...
Work: Omnia 3.04.01...
Work: System Storage...
Work: Omnia Card...
Work: Preset Table...
Msg: System: FM3 -- common: 1 specific: 1
Msg : set preset Rock (alg old:(null) alg new:Omnia3_fm)
Work: Load Algorithm...
Work: Load Algorithm...
Work: Load Algorithm...
Work: Load Algorithm...
Work: Load DSPs...0
Work: Load DSPs...1
Work: Load DSPs...2
Work: Load DSPs...3
Work: Load DSPs...3
Msg: AES/EBU: Unable to read 8420, probably a rev G board. (version 3.4.0 or greater on a rev. G only)
Work: Load DSPs...3
Work: Preset Table...
Work: Done!
Work: AES/EBU...
Work: IO Card...
Work: Command System...
Work: Graphics...
Work: Graphics...