Figure 2-5 Proper position to locate the programming magnet near the Datalog X-PRO
2.4 Send data via Sigfox or LoRaWAN Network™
The publication time configured for each sensor will naturally limit the data transmissions
executed by the
Datalog X-PRO
, however, once the device is turned on, you can force it to
send data through the Sigfox network or the LoRaWAN network™, as configured. To do this,
briefly approach the magnet 2 times to the Datalog X-PRO as shown in Figure 2-5.
will indicate that the magnet has been correctly approached by illuminating red.
After briefly approaching the magnet 2 times, the main LED of the device will flash blue to
show that it is reading its peripherals, and then it will flash green or yellow-green to
indicate that it is sending information, depending on the zone and the configured protocol.
After this, the LED will remain on while the device finishes sending the data frame.
2.5 Mounting the device
The enclosure of the Main Unit of the
Datalog X-PRO
is a standard ABS plastic box, with
brackets for pole mounting, or covered perforations for wall mounting.