General Information
Safety and Warranty
Tras la recepcion de un envio Omcan favor inspeccionar daños externos. Si no hay daños evidentes en el
empaque exterior, Habra el carton para asegurararse que todos los articulos solicitados ésten dentro de la
caja y no encuentre daños ocultos en la máquina. Si el paquete ha sufrido un manejo de poco cuidado, golpes
o daños (visible o oculto) por favor anote en la factura antes de aceptar la entrega y contacte Omcan dentro
de las 24 horas, de modo que podamos iniciar una reclamación con la compañia. Un informe detallado sobre
los daños causados a la máquina debe ser llenado en el plazo de tres días, desde la fecha de entrega que se
muestra en los documentos de envío. Omcan no tiene ningun recurso por productos dañados que se enviaron
a recoger por terceros.
Before staring-up the oven, read carefully the instructions in this manual and follow its directions.
The ovens produced by the company Peva Service Srl and distributed in Canada exclusively by our company
are made in Italy, are simple to use, guarantee the best cooking quality using a small quantity of wood, which is
ecological and economic. All Omcan Elite Wood Burning Ovens are static baking (without ventilation) to obtain
a natural and genuine food (like the wood-burning ovens with direct cooking). All ovens are manufactured with
high quality materials and are subject to careful tests.
The oven is also equipped with all the protections and safety devices deemed necessary.
In any case it’s necessary to follow carefully the following guidelines:
• Use only wood to light the fire, ecologically and easily available, take care not to use painted or treated
wood with plastic material or toxic paints.
• The oven should not be lit close to inflammable materials or explosives.
Temperatures higher than 300°C/572°F may damage the oven.
Always use oven gloves to prevent burns, in case of a contact with hot parts of the oven.
During the lighting, heating and cooking; children should be kept away from the oven.
Never put your hands in the oven while it is running, and wait for it to cool down after use.
Do not change for any reason oven parts.
IMPORTANT: It’s absolutely forbidden to store flammable materials inside the trolley compartment.
The use of fuels other than those specified by the manufacturer can cause damage to the oven and situations
of danger for the user.
The oven must not be used:
For different uses not mentioned in this manual.