Service Life of the Transducer Tank
The transducer tank and particularly the ultrasound transmitting surfaces ware down over
time. The changes on the surfaces that occur after a certain operating period are visible first
as grey areas and later on as abrasions, the so-called cavitation erosion.
Omegasonics already uses highly cavitation-resistant special steel. To prolong the service
life of your ultrasonic unit even more we recommend observing the following instructions:
Regularly remove any cleaning residues, in particular metal particles and
rusty film.
Use suitable cleaning chemicals, with particular caution concerning the
kind of remove contamination.
Exchange the cleaning medium before it is too heavily contaminated.
Do not operate the ultrasound unnecessarily; switch off after the cleaning
Repair and maintenance which require the unit to be opened must be carried out by
authorized and specialized personnel only.
In case of failure of the unit to operate, please contact the manufacturer or your supplier.