In the ultrasonic bath, preheat 1 part OmegaBlue with 32 parts clean water to a
temperature of 46˚C.
Disassemble the firearm into its major components. If it is equipped with a scope, it can
be left attached.
Spray the components with a spray bottle containing 1 part OmegaBlue, 21 parts clean
water solution. Let sit for 1 – 3 minutes.
Rinse off the residue loosened by the solution.
If the stock is synthetic, it can be cleaned with the other metal parts. If it is wooden, use
a basket to submerge it into the bath and clean for 1 -2 minutes.
Using a basket, submerge the components into the bath and clean for 1 – 5 minutes,
until all residues are removed.
You may spot clean using the spray bottle solution and a 3M pad that is green or light in
Rinse all components with de-ionized water that is 46 - 49˚C.
Blow off excess moisture with compressed air and dry using a hand-held hot air dryer.
Lubricate using light gun oil or silicone spray.
Test using industry standards.
Bicycle Parts
In the ultrasonic bath, preheat 1 part OmegaSupreme with 10 parts clean water to a
temperature of 60˚C for aluminum, or 66˚C for chains, derailleurs and gears.
Place the items into the basket with the cavity containing heaviest residue facing the
bottom of the basket.
Clean the part(s) for 5 minutes.
Once completed, rotate the part 180˚ if the part facing opposite the ultrasonic
transducers is heavily soiled.
If necessary, clean the part for an additional 5 minutes.
Once the part is cleaned, remove from the bath and rinse using hot water.
Blow off the excess water using compressed air.
Due to the heat of the metal, after being removed from the bath, it will dry quickly, on
its own (“flash dry”).
Note: If your aluminum parts develop any type of scarring or starbursts on the surface,
lower the bath temperature to 54˚C.