Setpoints & On/Off Control
Auto Setpoint Deviation:
If "enabled", allows changes to Setpoint 1 to be
made automatically to Setpoint 2. This mode is very helpful if the Temperature
changes often.
In Setpoint Deviation Mode, set SP2 a certain number of degrees or counts
away from SP1--this relation remains fixed when SP1 is changed.
For instance:
Setting SP1=200 and SP2=20 and enabling SP Deviation means that the
absolute value of SP2=220.
Moving SP1 to 300, the absolute value of SP2 becomes 320.
Setpoint 1:
This setpoint controls Output 1
Setpoint 2:
This setpoint controls Output 2
Permanent Store:
Check to save Setpoints in the Meter’s permanent storage.
On/Off 1 and On/Off 2:
To enable and disable On/Off Control.
Enabling On/Off Controls will disable the Alarms, and vice versa.
The Dead Band or neutral zone, is the number of degrees counts
around Setpoint 1 (or Setpoint 2 if On/Off 2) which the temperature value must
pass above or below the Setpoint before the output changes state.
Choice of
. The error that results from the
measurement of the Process Variable may be positive or negative since it may
be greater or smaller than the Setpoint.
If a positive error should cause the Meter output to increase (i.e. cooling), it
would be called
Direct Acting
If a negative error should cause the output to increase (i.e. heating), it would be
Reverse Acting