Feature #2 Last Door Arming
Factory Default Setting
“arm/lock” button to program
On without doors locking
“disarm/unlock” button to program
On with doors locking
” button to program
“Last Door Arming” has the system automatically arm itself every time you exit the
vehicle (the complete operation is described on pages 8 & 9). This feature turns that
operation on or off, and with options of having Last Door Arming operate with or
without also locking the doors when the system does arm.
Feature #3 Automatic Rearming
Factory Default Setting
“arm/lock” button to program
On without doors locking
“disarm/unlock” button to program
On with doors locking
” button to program
“Automatic Rearming”, described on page 11, prevents the system from becoming
accidentally disarmed by having it arm itself after being disarmed, if a door is not
then opened or the ignition turned on. Options are to have Automatic Rearming
operate with or without also locking the doors when the system does rearm.
Feature #4 Starter Interrupt Functions
Factory Default Setting
“arm/lock” button to program
“disarm/unlock” button to program
” button to program
This feature controls the Starter Interrupt circuit, in several ways. In its default
setting, “On”, the Starter Interrupt is operable whenever the alarm is armed.
The “Automatic” option will cause the Starter Interrupt output to automati-
cally engage 90 seconds after the ignition switch is turned "off", and also 90 sec-
onds after disarming the system. This automatic engagement will occur even if the
security system is in a disarmed state, but not if it is in Valet Mode. Once the
Starter Interrupt output is activated, the system must be armed, then disarmed with
the controller or transmitter, or placed into the Valet Mode by pressing and holding
the Valet Switch for 2 seconds to disengage it. There are no Status Light indica-
tions with this automatic form of Starter Interrupt.
Programming this feature “Off” completely eliminates the Starter Interrupt
output, while leaving all other system operations fully functional.
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There are two methods of disarming the Excalibur:
Disarming the System
Disarming the System Using
the Controller or Transmitter
The second method is an “
Emergency Override
” alternative, should the
controller or transmitter become lost or inoperable. This method uses the Valet
Switch, but the vehicle’s ignition key is also required.
The primary method is to use the
controller or
by pressing and
releasing its “disarm/unlock” button. This is the normal “daily use” method.
Press and release the controller or transmitter “disarm/unlock” button
once to instantly disarm the system, disengage the starter interrupt and unlock the
doors. If you have the optional unlock driver's door feature installed, then upon
disarming only the driver's door will unlock, and if the “disarm/unlock” button is
pressed again at anytime thereafter, all of the doors will unlock.
The system’s reaction:
Disarming is confirmed by the siren chirping twice, the
Status Light turning off, and the parking lights flashing twice, then with the interior
lights illuminating for 30 seconds for approach illumination. The lights will turn
off instantly if the ignition switch is turned "on" before the 30 seconds expires.
If the controller was used:
It will confirm by chirping twice (or four times if
the system was activated and reset), showing “DISARM” icon and “unlocked lock”,
buttons are pressed. Which controller button that is pressed will have these
corresponding effects upon the triggered Excalibur system:
• Pressing “arm/lock” will rearm the system, stopping both system’s alarm
condition (leaving it armed), and stop the controller’s chirping.
• Pressing “disarm/unlock” will disarm the system, leaving the doors locked,
stopping both system’s alarm condition (leaving it disarmed) and the
controller’s chirping. Pressing the button a second time unlocks the doors.
• Pressing and releasing any of the three other buttons will simply stop the
controller’s chirping, but leave the security system still sounding in its
alarm state.
The controller will continue to display the flashing icon indicating the violated
zone, while the system is disarmed, until the ignition switch is turned on.
Prewarning Detection Circuit:
When the sensor is triggered by a light impact
or shock to the vehicle, the security system will respond by chirping the siren 3 times
and locking the doors. After this Prewarning circuit has been triggered five times
it will automatically shutdown until the alarm system is disarmed, then armed.
If the controller was used to arm the system and prewarning occurs, if in range it will
react by chirping 3 times and showing the “impact” starburst icon on its display.