Arming Bypass:
Upon arming, if any system sensing circuit is inoperable,
that circuit only will automatically be bypassed. When an unsecured sensing circuit
is in a bypassed state, all other normally operating circuits will be protected. Should
the bypassed circuit become secured, it will automatically be reinstated for
protection 5 seconds later. When certain protection circuits are bypassed, such as
the hood/trunk and impact sensor, and the system is armed, it will indicate this by
chirping the siren three times and flashing the parking lights three times instead of
the normal arming indication of one chirp and one flash.
For example, should the trunk be open, such as containing an oversized object,
you can still arm the system with the transmitter, and in this case the arming
indicator will be 3 siren chirps and 3 parking light flashes. Arming Bypass will only
operate when arming the system with the transmitter.
If the controller was used for the arming, it will chirp three times instead of the
normal one time, and its display will also flash the icon of the zone which is
Sensor Bypass:
When arming the Excalibur system with the controller or
transmitter, you may conveniently and easily temporarily deactivate the impact
sensor without affecting the system’s other sensing circuits. To deactivate the
sensor, arm the system by pressing the “arm/lock” button, then press and release the
transmitter’s “
” button within three seconds.
You will hear a second siren chirp
confirming that the security system has armed without the sensor protecting the
vehicle. The next time the system is armed normally with one “arm/lock” button
press, the sensor will again be part of your protection.
If the controller is used for the arming and then bypassing the sensor, let it
confirm the arming, then press the “
” button. The controller will then chirp twice
and turn on its “Impact” icons to indicate the bypassed sensor.
Automatic “Last Door Arming” of the System
The Excalibur can also be programmed to automatically arm itself, and in this
process, to lock or not lock the doors. When this feature is utilized, closing the
vehicle's last door will cause the siren to chirp once, the parking lights to flash once
and the Status Light to start rapidly flashing red. Thirty seconds later the siren will
chirp again and the parking lights will flash again, the doors will lock (which is
separately programmable) and the Status Light will slow to a steady red flash,
confirming that the security system is fully armed. If a point of entry is reopened
before the single siren chirp at 30 seconds, the Last Door Arming process stops, and
will reset to start over when the point of entry is again closed. All protected entries
The Excalibur system’s separate “arm/lock” and “disarm/unlock” button
design allows repetitive operation- if already armed, pressing the “arm/lock” button
will simply rearm the system, and vice versa when pressing the “disarm/unlock”
button. Controllers and transmitters both operate in this fashion.
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Feature #8 Open Door Bypass of Ignition Locking
Factory Default Setting
On (
“arm/lock” button to program
Off (
“disarm/unlock” button to program
This feature cancels the automatic locking or
unlocking of the vehicle’s doors
should one of the doors be open when the ignition switch is turned on or off.
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Feature #9 Confirmation Chirps
Factory Default Setting
“arm/lock” button to program
“disarm/unlock” button to program
Chirps Excepting Valet Mode
” button to program
Chirps in Valet Mode Only
” button to program
This feature removes the system’s 1 arming and 2 disarming confirmation chirps.
When this feature is used to remove these chirps, the system will still have 3 chirps
upon arming if a protected zone is violated, and still have 4 chirps upon disarming
if the system was previously activated. Using this feature to turn off the arm and
disarming chirps will also not affect the Prewarning operation, Unauthorized
Transmitter Alert (if used), nor will it affect the chirps used when programming.
The other two settings will have the confirmation chirps operate only when the
system is in Valet Mode, and not otherwise; or, the chirps will operate except when
the system is in Valet Mode.
Feature #10 Confirmation Chirp Volume
Factory Default Setting
Medium High
” button to program
Low (softest)
“arm/lock” button to program
Medium Low
“disarm/unlock” button to program
High (loudest)
” button to program
This feature allows the choice of four different volume levels of the system’s con-
firmation chirps, and when programming it, the buttons can be repeatedly and
sequentially pressed, thus making it easy to hear and choose the setting with the
best chirp volume.
This feature operates regardless of how feature #15, “Steady Siren” or “Pulsed
Horn” is set. Feature #15 sets “Steady”; or “Pulsed” as three different timings, for
the activated alarm period output. This feature, #10, affects only the confirmation