About The Meter
The Digital Programmable Process meter is a value packed indicator/controller. Four
full digits and broad scaling capability allow for display in virtually all engineering units.
A wide variety of DC current and voltage input ranges cover typical process applications.
Standard features include sensor excitation and front panel or remote tare. Your meter
may be a basic indicator or it may include analog output or dual relay output. Analog or
dual relay output must be ordered at time of purchase. Analog output is fully scalable
and may be configured as a proportional controller, or to follow your display. Dual 5 amp,
form C relays control critical processes. A mechanical lockout has been included to
guard against unauthorized changes.
The following is a list of standard features:
4-digit three color Programmable “Big” LED display
or 4-digit, Standard LED Display
NEMA 4 / Type 4 Front Bezel
±0.03 % accuracy
8 DC input ranges: 0-100 mV, ±50 mV, 0-5 V, 1-5 V,
0-10 V, ±5 V, 0-20 mA, and 4-20 mA
5, 10, 12, or 24 Vdc sensor excitation
Peak detection
Front panel and remote tare function
Nonvolatile memory-no battery backup
115 or 230 Vac 50/60 Hz power supply or
10-32 Vdc or 26-56 Vdc
The following is a list of optional features:
Dual 5 amp, form C relay outputs
Scalable analog output
Proportional control
Easy setup for proportional control
Features with are for the “B” version which has three-color programmable
“Big” LED display - All segment characters shown are for the “B” version.
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