Chapter 8 Cleaning and Disinfection Equipment
Set up the endoscope to the cleaning tub
The instruction manual for the endoscope reprocessor OER-AW is not described
to set the BF-UC180F. When using the endoscope reprocessor OER-AW for
cleaning and disinfection, set BF-UC180F according to “Set up procedure”
described below.
For instruction to operate the endoscope reprocessor OER-AW except setting
BF-UC180F, refer to the endoscope reprocessor OER-AW instruction manual.
When setting BF-UC180F to the endoscope reprocessor
OER-AW cleaning tub, inspect that the EXERA II mark on the
endoscope connector turns up (see Figure 8.2). Otherwise,
universal cord will be kinked and BF-UC180F will be
damaged when close the cleaning cover of the endoscope
reprocessor OER-AW.
Connect each connecting tube to the connector without
folding or bending the tube. If the tube is bent or connected
improperly, the fluid feed may be insufficient. This can reduce
the effectiveness of sufficient reprocessing.
When closing the lid, be careful not to get the connecting
tube caught between the cleaning tub and lid and make sure
the endoscopes and the washing case are not touching the
lid. Close the lid after ensuring that the cover of the washing
case is closed. If the endoscopes and the washing case are
touching the lid, adjust their positions and close the lid. If the
lid is closed with pressing the endoscopes or accessories
such as the washing case and the connecting tubes, the
endoscopes, the accessories and the equipment may get
damaged or water leakage may result.