Dictation Window Commands
File Menu
New DSS File
Starts the Remote Dictation Window and opens a new DSS file.
This command is invalid if the
DS-2000 is not connected to the PC.
Edit DSS File
Opens the
files that are currently selected
in the Dictation ListView
(the active file if multiple
files are selected)
in the
Remote Dictation Window.
Convert to WAV File
Converts the files
selected in the Dictation ListView (all selected files if multiple
files are selected) into WAVE Format and saves them to the specified folder.
The names of
the WAVE files that are created are the same as those of the DSS files with the file extension
changed to .wav.
Rename Folder
You can
rename the folder names
of Folder A, B, and C in the Dictation TreeView. The folder
name can be 20 characters long. However, the following characters are not allowed:
\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |
Import Files
Displays a dialog box
and copies or moves the DSS or WAVE Files in a preexisting folder to
the Download Tray folder.
Export Files
Copies the files that are selected in the Dictation List View to a preexisting folder of your
This function can be used for backup.
The properties of a file is displayed.
Exits the DSS Player 2000.