Instructions for Use
Position the horizontal support rod so that the ends of the electrode holder come to rest near
the nasal and temporal canthus (corner of the eye); that is, just before the skin directly to the
right and left of the eye. Carefully move the horizontal support rod towards the eye. The Oku-
Spex are correctly adapted to the patient when the OkuEl thread rests below the pupil and
above the lower eyelid, against the cornea, free of pressure, with at least 1cm contact.
After fitting, carefully tighten the hexagon socket screws on the joints of the OkuSpex frame
again. To tighten the screws, hold the OkuSpex frame in the hand again.
Always take the OkuSpex off first before using the hexagon screwdriver.
5 Use
5.1 Adapting the OkuSpex to the Patient
Your OkuSpex has to be adapted by a healthcare professional (at the eye clinic or optician) so
that the electrodes come to rest on the conjunctiva, below the pupil (see fig. 5-1 and fig. 5-5).
To do this, the hexagon socket screws at the joints of the OkuSpex are slightly opened to allow
the vertical and horizontal support rods to be moved smoothly. The OkuSpex is then careful-
ly fitted with the eyes closed and the vertical support rods adjusted to the correct height. If
necessary, the height of the nose bridge of the OkuSpex can be adjusted.
Fig. 5-1: Adjustment of the OkuSpex electrode holder; Position of the electrode thread on the conjunctiva.
Rev. 2021-07-01
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