Instructions for Use
4 Brief Guide to Performing a Therapy Session
Please follow exactly the steps to prepare and conduct a stimulation session. You may other-
wise experience a spontaneous and strong phosphene perception.
Preparation before stimulation:
Clean the skin before attaching the OkuEl counter electrode(s).
Attach the OkuEl counter electrode(s) to the cleaned skin area(s).
Insert the OkuEl electrode(s) into the electrode holder of the OkuSpex.
Assume a comfortable and stable seated or reclined position.
Put on the OkuSpex. You may want to pass the cable of the OkuSpex from behind around
your head.
Switch on the OkuStim.
Plug the OkuSpex cable into the OkuStim.
Connect the OkuEl counter electrodes to the cables on the OkuSpex.
Start the stimulation. It is recommended to keep the eyes closed during stimulation.
After stimulation
The stimulation stops automatically after 30 minutes.
Carefully remove the pushbutton connectors from the OkuEl counter electrodes. Never
pull the cables to remove the connectors as the cables may tear.
Disconnect the OkuSpex cable from the OkuStim.
Take off the OkuSpex and remove the electrodes from it.
Put the OkuSpex back into the box. Do not fold the OkuSpex.
Roll-up the cable loosely and do not wrap it around the OkuSpex as this may cause the
electrode holders to misalign. Put it into the designated compartment in the box.
Switch off the OkuStim device (in case it has not already switched off automatically).
Remove the counter electrodes from your forehead and dispose of them together with the
OkuEl eletrodes with the general waste.
Rev. 2021-07-01
TD60K06 -
12 36