Oki Data Service Centers
United States
Oki Data Americas, Inc.
2020 Bishops Gate Blvd.
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone: 800-654-3282 (U.S. and Canada)
+856-235-2600 (Latin America)
Fax: 856-222-5247 (U.S. and Canada)
856-222-5260 (Latin America)
Oki Data Americas, Inc.
2735 Matheson Blvd. East, Unit 1
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L4W 4M8
Phone: 800-654-3282 (800-OKI-DATA)
Fax: 905-238-4427
Oki Data do Brasil, Ltda.
Av. Leonardo da Vinci, 1178/1182
Sao Paulo, Brazil 04313-001
Phone: 55-11-5011-1518
Fax: 55-11-5012-0267
Oki Data de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Mariano Escobedo No. 748-8 Piso
Col. Anzures, e.p. 11590
Mexico, DF
Phone: (525) 263-8780
Fax: (525) 250-3501
For the most up-to-date listing of Okidata Service Centers:
• Consult our web site at
• In the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-OKI-DATA
• In Latin America, contact the Latin America Service
Coordinator at Oki Data’s Corporate Headquarters at
609-222-5276 (Spanish only)
Customer Support Professionals
Our CAS’s are trained and certified to provide the best service and
support possible to our customers. Make sure that you are close to
your machine when you call one of our OKI authorized service
centers (OKI-CAS) so that you can describe your problem more
Our customer support professionals are trained on all current OKI
products. They can answer your questions regarding:
Location of nearest CAS (Service Center).
Installation of your machine.
Usage/normal maintenance of your machine.
Error message interpretation/solutions
Parts and supplies identification.
Consumer relations.