STARTER 3100M Bench Meter
When ST3100M is in pH parameter:
The format for the print-out following a pH measurement is:
End Point, Value, Temp., ATC/MTC
Auto EP, 4.01pH, 25.0ºC, MTC
The details for the second line are:
Auto EP, 4.01pH, 25.0ºC , MTC
| | |---- Manual Temperature Compensation
| |---------------- Temperature value and unit ºC
|------------------------- pH value
|---------------------------------------- Auto End Point
The format for the print-out following a mV measurement is:
End Point, Value, Temp., ATC/MTC
Auto EP, 182mV, 23.2ºC, ATC
The print-out in case of an error message is:
End Point, Value, Temp., ATC/MTC
The print-out for a 2-point calibration is:
Buffer1: 4.01pH
mV1: 178mV
Temp.1: 25.0ºC
Buffer2: 7.00pH
mV2: 3mV
Temp.2: 25.0ºC
Slope: 99%
Offset: 5mV
The print-out for a 3-point calibration is:
Buffer1: 4.01pH
mV1: 178mV
Temp.1: 25.0ºC
Buffer2: 7.00pH
mV2: 0mV
Temp.2: 25.0ºC
Buffer3: 9.21pH
mV3: -130mV
Temp.3: 25.0ºC
Slope: 100%
Offset: 0mV
Printing from memory:
When scrolling through the memory you can print the entry that is currently viewed by pressing
and holding(3 seconds)
. The printout format is as follows:
Recall 01:
End Point, Value, Temp., ATC/MTC
Auto EP, 4.01pH, 35.6ºC, ATC